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Pick-Up Service

Whole light bulbs

If you have more than one pallet full of whole light bulbs (not crushed bulbs), you may qualify for free pickup. To find out if you qualify contact 1-877-592-2972 ext. 410 or email ONpickup@productcare.org.

A full pallet of lighting should contain approximately:

  • 750 4 foot fluorescent tubes, or
  • 1,200 CFLs, or
  • 600 HID light bulbs, or
  • A combination of light types that would equate to the same volume

Light bulbs vary in size and the above estimates are guidelines only. We require the light bulbs or tubes to be safely packaged before pick-up and can supply approved collection containers at no cost, if required. Collection containers can be requested in advance. Containers and light bulbs or tubes MUST be protected from the weather and remain dry.

Please note: While the program will pick-up lighting directly from locations (contractors, schools, hospitals, building managers, municipalities etc.) with enough lamps to qualify for this service, you will not receive any payment for these bulbs or tubes unless you are acting as a service provider to the program.

Crushed light bulbs

Locations that have consolidated full UN-approved drums of crushed lamps (using specialized equipment for this purpose), may qualify for a free pick-up service. To find out if you qualify contact 1-877-592-2972 ext. 410 or email ONpickup@productcare.org.

You cannot bring these intentionally crushed bulbs to a collection site – they must be picked up.

Small quantities

For small quantities of lights, please find a drop-off location at our recycling locator tool.

If you have additional questions about our Ontario Lights program, contact us at 1-877-592-2972; ext 410

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